We are pleased to welcome you to our progress diary for week 3. So far, our development team has been on schedule and we are equally happy to announce that we have begun work on VJStick’s first en suite game as well. Here is a full report, in steps.

The bulk of Week 3’s design work was directed towards the running game. It had already been agreed that our initial development will be a prototype with which we can run tests, after which we can focus on character modeling, environment building, sound, etc. In line with this, our team artist proceeded to develop simple yet detailed prototype running tracks.

The next focus for design will be to provide default character mods for this prototype phase. With this mods, the team can test out codes and algorithms. Whenever this is done, we can move our attention to game UI which is an important part of our design work.

Similar to Design, code work was based around the game. We effectively started putting together several control algorithms for the characters, as well as mechanics that will enable gameplay.

We should be able to run our earliest prototype renders soon, with the mods we will be getting from Design. From our renders and animations, we can tell what and where to improve.

For this week’s media pick, enjoy this non-textured trackfield made using some Shadergraph magic!

See you soon!

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